Tuesday, July 7, 2009

A special gift.....

The night before we left for Africa to bring home our sweet little girl my sister gave me a special little gift. A gift that would have more meaning to me and my daughter than I even realized. In the small little gift bag were two matching necklaces one small and one large, both in the shape of circles, light pink with polka dots. The larger one with the letter "V" for Valerie and the smaller one with the letter "F" for Fasika. I, of course put my necklace on right away and put Fasikas in my suit case to bring with us the next day.

After 26 hours of travel we arrive in Ethiopia, anxious to meet our little girl for the first time. Our driver picked us up at the airport, drove us to the guest house, unloaded our bags and then walked us to the orphanage where our daughter was. When we arrived all of the children were eating lunch. I spotted Fasika right away..... she was wearing the pink sweat suit, slippers, necklace and bracelet's I had sent for her months before. I couldn't wait to touch her, I wanted to run over to her and squeeze her as hard as I could..... but I didn't =) We spent about 3o minutes at the orphanage before Fasika was packed up and ready to leave and head to the guest house with us, where we'd be spending the week. When we got back to our room i pulled out her necklace and put it around her neck. right away she noticed it was the same as mine, just smaller and with a different letter. From that second on, we were bonded. She was officially MINE and I was officially HER'S. We'd go back to the orphanage to visit with the other children over the course of the week and she'd show everyone that we were the same and we were TOGETHER and that I was HER mom and she was MY daughter.

We've been home for a year now. I have put Faskia's necklace away in our special treasure chest full of little treasures until she is old enough to take care of it. I wear my necklace often and she always says "mommy your Africa MY MOMMY necklace" It's soo cute!! Our necklaces will always represent togetherness for us

So, in the works for my etsy web site, i am creating a mother/daughter pendant in hopes that it will bring the same special bond for another mother & daughter as it did for me and Fasika. Also makes a great gift for best friend, cousins, or sisters!!

Check it out!!


1 comment:

  1. I can tell that your an amazing person and a great mom. She's blessed to have you!
