Friday, June 12, 2009

Artificial twinning... trouble X 2!

Artificial twinning is an expression used to describe unrelated children in a family whose birth dates are less than 9 months apart. These can be a combination of biological and adopted siblings, adopted only, step or foster siblings. In our case our biological son and our adopted daughter are only 6 weeks apart in age.

I am often stumped when I get asked about my children from strangers. I always say I have a 7 year old and two 4 year olds. Of course they always say "TWINS?" I'm not really sure how to answer.... I usually say "umm, I guess you could say so" that usually leaves them completely confused and gets me out of explaining the WHOLE story.

There are some agencies and families who oppose artificial twinning, claiming it disrupts birth order-- but for us, it was perfect for our family. Both our son and our daughter have adjusted well and are just like any other brother and sister. They are in the same pre-shcool class and love having the comfort of each other when needed. They, of course are the best of friends and the worst of enemy's-- they & sister! Don't mess with one, unless you want TROUBLE x 2!

1 comment:

  1. Valery...I love this post! all your kids are so cute.
